The Next Five Years of Environmental Policy in Europe

The last 5 years of EU environmental policymaking were busy, controversial, and very significant for Malaysian palm oil exporters, often in a negative sense. What will the next 5 years hold, as Brussels tries to balance anger from its trading partners with domestic pressure for Green targets? Overseeing the next five years will be three…

The Next Five Years of Trade Policy in Brussels

The EU’s nominee to be its next Trade Commissioner is Maros Sefcovic, a long-time EU official originally from Slovakia. He is expected to be confirmed by the EU Parliament in November. What should the Malaysian palm oil sector look out for, as the next five-year term of trade policy begins in Brussels? There are two…

Buck the Trends, Choose Balance

By: Dr. Jonathan Ellen     Dr. Jonathan Ellen is the CEO of Labrador Health. A pediatrician and epidemiologist, he is the former CEO and physician-in-chief at Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital.  “Don’t eat carbohydrates.” “Don’t eat seed oils.” “Eat kale.” “Don’t eat kale.” “Oatmeal is poison!” “Eat these ten things to detoxify your liver.” “Don’t eat…

Malaysia’s Track Record of Palm Oil Innovation

Media coverage, and political debate, around palm oil tends to focus on sustainability and environment above all else – and in particular the direct policies related to those issues. Malaysia has a strong track record in both – from reducing deforestation, to mandatory certification. Other important developments in the Malaysian palm oil sector also deserve…

UK Legality Standard Remains the Best Approach for Deforestation-Free Palm Oil

As the new government of Prime Minister Keir Starmer has taken office in London, many policy decision remain unconfirmed from the previous administration – largely because of surprise ‘snap’ election called in July by former Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. For palm oil producers and exporters, the details of implementation of the UK’s Due Diligence rules…

New EU Commissioners Nominated to Oversee EUDR Implementation

New EU Commissioners have been nominated for the next 5-year EU term: this includes new EU Commissioners who will oversee the implementation of the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR). The new Commissioners include: These nominated Commissioners are expected to take office in December 2024, the same month when EUDR was due to officially be implemented by…

Statement from MPOC on EUDR Delay

MEDIA STATEMENT MPOC: DELAY TO EUDR IS THE RIGHT DECISION The following is a statement from Belvinder Kaur Sron, Chief Executive Officer of the Malaysian Palm Oil Council. “The EU Commission’s announcement that EUDR implementation will be delayed until 30th December 2025 is the right decision. This is a victory for common sense, and a…

MSPO and the EUDR: Myths vs Facts

The implementation date for the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) is fast approaching – it is the 30th December 2024. The EUDR is a non-tariff barrier imposed by the EU that impacts certain commodities mainly produced by developing and middle-income nations. Commodities targeted include palm oil, rubber, timber, cocoa and others. The EUDR will cause a…

Addressing Health Inequalities and Debunking Diet Myths: A Conversation with Dr. Jonathan Ellen

By: Dr. Jonathan Ellen Dr Jonathan Ellen is the CEO of Connections for Health. He is the former physician-in-chief and CEO of Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital and retired Professor of Pediatrics and Epidemiology, Johns Hopkins University. He spoke with MPOC’s Palm Oil Policy blog about how “palm oil’s low-cost is a lifesaver” for many consumers,…

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